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Deep Mystery
Deep Majesty
Ashley Lande
A story.
(I'm still unsure whether it is a funny story, or a sad story, or a moving story, or a deeply meaningful story. Maybe a combo deal) ....
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Ashley Lande
Jesus: Taking the Ultimate L.
Real photo of an actual live hacker according to a free stock photo I found on the internet! ============================================...
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Ashley Lande
What About Ashley?!
When I spent five days in a psychiatric hospital early last year, part of the program included art therapy. The art therapist had an...
517 views7 comments
Ashley Lande
Are We Even Allowed to Believe This?!?!
It was 1993 or so, and I was riding in my brother’s Jeep in Laguna Beach. That close to the Pacific shore, the ocean never lets you...
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Ashley Lande
What you seek lies in front of you, as does what you fear...
From the "Trashley" days. Don't even ask 'cause I don't remember... ........................... “What would you do if you met someone who...
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Ashley Lande
This is MY llama. - God
Last night Steven and I were conducting some heavy research, watching a marathon of Cesar Millan videos in preparation for getting...
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Ashley Lande
When you need ANSWERS, darnit.
What the heck is this? I don't know. I made Steven take pictures of me. He said "stand by the light, people love that light stuff!" So...
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Ashley Lande
And there are no truths outside the gates of Eden.
“At that time Jesus said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and...
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Ashley Lande
God Takes Care of Me.
“God takes care of me.” The words come so easily for her, reflexively, even. In their wake sparkles a warm chuckle and then a smile,...
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Ashley Lande
This isn't the resurrection I expected.
This isn’t the resurrection I expected. The thought assailed my mind last night, unbidden and dangerous-sounding, fringed as it was with,...
162 views1 comment
Ashley Lande
Want to Tame the Anxiety Monster? Try the Untamed God.
“Well, mama,” my 8-year-old daughter began, shrugging. “At least God still knows how many hairs are on your head!” I stared dejectedly at...
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Ashley Lande
Daring to Hope Boldly, Defiantly, & Against All Seen Reality or: Sounds Like a Personal Problem.
My neighbor, Kay, is transferred to a nursing home after her hospital stay, a surprisingly spacious room but one with a roommate who has...
69 views2 comments
Ashley Lande
When Grief is Anger
“I trade my secrets one by one, lessening my burden, reclaiming praise. Every day I say I AM, let thanks cleanse my mouth. A body shouts...
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Ashley Lande
Death, Where is Thy Sting? Here, Now: Or So It Seems...
I never had to consider death before, never had to witness its relentless impinging on life. Now it’s all I see. I help my elderly...
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Ashley Lande
Let Us Proclaim the Mystery of Faith, Pt. II: Letters from Prison, AA, & When Words Aren't Enough
I walk out to the mailbox and pull out an envelope with a now-familiar stamp on the back, alerting me that it has been sent from a...
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Ashley Lande
Let Us Proclaim the Mystery of Faith, Pt. 1: Unanswered Prayers and Rotten Eggs
I notice the broody hen first because I fear she’s gone missing, eviscerated stealthily in the night by some accursed varmint from among...
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Ashley Lande
Death, Infertility, The Great Rash of 2018 & Other Times I've Gotten Lovingly Schooled by God
It is so strange, what triggers grief. The morning after poison ivy welts began to appear on my forehead and arm I woke up to a swollen...
128 views2 comments
Ashley Lande
Even Angels Long to Look Into These Things.
I wasn’t paying attention the moment my dad actually died. I just realized the room was silent, a hideous silence, the sudden absence of...
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Ashley Lande
Just Say It.
“Sometimes wishing is the wings the truth comes true on. Sometimes the truth is what sets us wishing for it.” – Frederick Buechner We...
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Ashley Lande
Because she was my sister.
I sit alongside my mother in the funeral parlor two days after Lia’s death, this new terrible upside-down world springing into hideous...
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